The New Prophacy

Moonstar was dreaming. An old friend of hers, Tornheart, whom was dead now, had givin her a new Prophacy. ''Black will roll over the sky, the Moon will rise, and the Fern's Flower will Blossom,'' The old tom told her as he vanished into thin air. Moonstar told him to wait, but he was gone now.


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Moonstar awoke with a shudder. 'Oh...What happened?' she thought. Then she remembered. The new prophacy! Tornheart had told her all about this; his words echoed in her head. ''Blackness will roll over the over the sky, the Moon will rise, and the Fern's Flower will Blossom.'' ''How does it make scence? It can't! Can it?'' she asked herself aloud. ''How does what make scence?'' asked Leopardfur, sounding surprised; for the leader was never unsure of anything before. ''Oh, nothing... Listen, I can't talk right now...I've gotten a message from StarClan, and I must tell Lilacfur. I wish I could tell you, but I can't.'' she said, as she scampered away. Leopardfur looked at the confused Moonstar as if she had just opened a mouse and found it was filled with maggets.

Lilacfur greated Moonstar as she padded in. ''Hello, Moonstar. What brings you here?'' Then Lilacfur gasped. ''Do you feel okay?'' ''Oh yes! I mean, no, I mean, ugh...'' 'SPIT IT OUT MOONSTAR!' the leader thought. ''I've received a message from StarClan.'' said Moonstar. ''Well, let's hear it!'' Moonstar explained it to her.

Lilacfur thought a minute...Then:''Oh that's an easy one. But the fact why StarClan sent this message to you is highly classified to the rest of the clan. It's for YOUR ears only.'' Lilacfur told her. Okay, then tell me. I'm the leader! I had the dream I-'' Lilacfur interupted. ''I get it. I know. I'll tell you tonight when everyone's asleep so no-one over hears it.'' Lilacfur told the impatiant leader. ''Wow! Is it THAT classified?!'' asked Moonstar. ''Oh yes. Now, go arange the hunting patrolls, or something-do what you need to do.'' Lilacfur was being playful, yet serious at the same time. ''Okay, thanks!'' she said as she padded out the medicine cat den. ''Man... What is with her and walking away and talking at the same time?'' Lilacfur asked herself. She shrugged. Then she went back to aranging herbs.

'Glad to get THAT off my back.' she thought. Soon it grew dark, and all the cats fell asleep; all except Moonstar and Lilacfur. Moonstar padded to the medicne cat den and talked about the new prophacy to Lilacfur. ''The reson that it's classified is because...'' Lilacfur began ''...Blackmoon, Fernflower, and Blossompaw are FAMILY.'' she said unwillingly. Moonstar gazed at her in confusion and surprisement.

''F-F-F-FAMILY? Is th-th-that what you s-s-said? But Blackmoon is mates with Graywhisker! He can't be mates with Fernflower can h-'' ''YES! I delivered Blossompaw from Fernflower while the only other cat there was Blackmoon.'' Lilacfur sounded annoyed. They discussed it more, then Lilacfur told Moonstar it was getting late, and Moonstar left. She fell into a deep sleep and dreamed. She wondered farther in the forest than usual. She found her self in StarClan territory. ''Hello Moonstar.'' said a calming voice. Then another. ''We've been watching you. You and Lilacfur did an excelent job figuring out our prophacy. Well done.'' Moonstar heard the formiliar voice and whireled around to find it was Tornheart again. ''Tornheart! Oh thank you! You know my clan better than I do!''

''Ahh...But that is where you are wrong.'' mewed the old tortoiseshell tom. ''Wha- then how did you know THAT?'' Moonstar asked. ''I didn't notice it until 2 nights ago. Blackmoon had told me to tell you. But I put it as a prophacy; to confuse you a bit.'' he said. ''Your a smart young cat, Moonstar. A smart young cat.'' his voice tralled off. He was gone now, leaving Moonstar alone in the starry, starry woods of StarClan territory. Moonstar awoke full of relefe and went hunting with Blueheart, Leopardfur, Sunpaw, and Heavypaw. They came back with lots of prey and the Clan ate peacefully.

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Followers To The Clan

Know the Clan

GoldClan location: Jungle

Food they hunt: Fish, Squirrels, Birds, and Chipmunks.

Number of cats in the Clan (So far):31

Neighboring Clan: GladeClan

Allies: GladeClan, StormClan, and LightningClan

Leader's/Deputy's den: Large cave with a small stream that leads from the Clean lily Pond.

Warriors' den: Small in ground dug-out

Apprintices' den: Thick medium sized bush with large leaves

Med. Cat den: Old owl hole in a tree with enough room to hold 4 cats and lots of herbs+ a small underground dug-out for sick cats

Nursery: Large thick bush with an underground dug out with a tunnel that leads to the Med. Cat den

Elders' den: Large warm cave a small fresh-kill pile and tiny pond

Clean lily pond

Clean lily pond
Pretty pond with lily-pads and flowers.If your thirsty, come and drink!!


Treated like one of the clan, she's fast and furious. She's the clan's guard and she's super loving to the clan. The clan loves her.